The party most recently tried to get registered for the 2022 Victorian state election.
The Fusion Party - officially FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency - has revealed they're considering a name change.
Fusion was formed out of a merger of the Science Party, Pirate Party, Secular Party, Vote Planet, and Climate Change Justice Party and first contested the May federal election.
They attempted to get registered for the November state election in Victoria, but were unsuccessful and opted to endorse several independent candidates instead.
On their public Discord, the party linked a list of 35 different names that they're asking people to vote from, including about how well the name would be understood by the general voting public.
Some are simply, like 'Fusion' - while they may have issues with others.
For example, one of the options is 'Democracy and Labour Party' - and the Democratic Labour Party may object to that. Similarly, the Australian Democrats could object to 'Australian Democracy Party'.
It's also unclear how so-called 'teal independent' MPs would feel about the name 'The Teals' being used.
Here's the full list:
The AEGIS Party
The Agile Party
The Australia Party
The Australia Vision Party
Australian Democracy Party
Australian Freedom League
Australian Fusion League
Connect or Connection Party
Democracy and Labour Party
Environment & Science Party (ESP)
Evidence-Based Policy
Evocratic Party
Good Future Australia
Humanity Party
Innovation Paradise
Innovation Party
Intergenerational Equity Party
The New Progressive Movement
One but Many, we are Australian
Progress Party
Progressive Alliance
The Rational Alliance
The Rational Collective
The Real Alternative
The Realignment Party
Science Party
Science and Engineering Technology Party
The Secular Science Party
The Teals
Third Way
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